By: Arnulfo Y. Laniba
Monday, June 9, 2005, Cordova, Cebu, Philippines — Great Japanese companies like Sony and Matshusita draw plans to a span of 250 years. It is obvious that founders know they do that not for their own sake, but for the future generations who will to follow them.
But our ancestors were not like that. They had a shortsighted outlook in life. The here and now was their only concern. This is evident in their gross negligence towards the care of the land, waters, and other resources of the planet. We, their descendants, are now suffering very much due to the loss, decrease, as well as the pollution of these life-giving gifts of Nature from God.
They could not see the distant future. And, therefore, they could not prepare for that future. Therefore, they left us a land that is ravished by the rough forces of nature and which has become denuded through the continuous span of time.
When some sons became wiser by travels, readings and education and proceeded to, for instance, plant long-term fruit trees like mangoes, they were badly met with resistance and opposition by their old folks.
I can mention at least two such men who were advanced in wisdom in their period. These men are my friends, Joe and Junjun. Nong Junjun is now in his mid-60s; Nong Joe in his mid-50s.
They do not know each other and live miles apart, separated by a wide span of sea. One lives in Cebu island province, the other in Bohol island province.
What strikes a surprising chord is the similarity of their experiences. Both were “advanced” in their period; they were considered brilliant students who read “advanced books” at that time found only in the university libraries.
Prompted by their wide reading and observation, they both planted during their youth some mango fruit trees with the long-term vision of enjoying their fruits after some years of waiting.
Nong Joe planted some mango trees in their wide farm. Then afterwards he left their home to venture in some other places. When he returned years later, expecting his mango trees were already grown up, he was saddened to know that his father had destroyed all but leaving only one!
His father expressed his philosophy in the following statement: “I do not plant nor want that which would not bear fruits immediately.”
This statement was often repeated by the father before his children. It was as if a noble philosophy. At first glance, I call that plain laziness and raw selfishness which render the eyes of our forefathers short-sighted! I believe I am correct in this. Because they knew they could not enjoy the fruits of their labor, they were lazy to do that. They had no motivation, they felt no reason to do that. I really feel hurt by such evident lack of love for their descendants.
In much the same way, right after his wedding day, Nong Junjun planted some mangoes in their farm in Bohol. When his father knew that, the old man immediately proceeded to the farm where he had planted those mangoes and uprooted the trees!?
In fairness to our ancestors, I have another reason for their refusal and deliberate “blindness”. And this reason is not of their own doing. It is FEAR. FEAR that is implanted into their deep subconsciousness. What Nong Joe’s father stated as his reason for not planting long-term fruit trees is, sadly I have found too lately, to be merely an external expression of a deep-rooted superstition that was imparted into the minds and hearts of our ancestors and passed on from generation to generation!?
Why had our forefathers not realized the great importance of fruit trees to the future of their descendants? Why had they allowed this predominantly Catholic country, Philippines, to be left bald in its countryside, in its mountains, in its valleys and plains in as far as fruit trees are concerned! Alas, she is full of useless trees and shrubs instead!
From a number of surviving old folks around, I have heard the deeper reason why our fore-parents were afraid or deliberately avoided planting fruit trees. It is the superstition called “MANAOG” in the Visayas region. “Manaog” is a teaching that if you plant fruit trees, they will outlive you, that is, they will live longer than you. Well, that is correct. But what is wrong in this belief is the lie that says that, at the same time, these trees will cause the shortening of your lifespan! This falsehood is being attached to the first truth and so, fear instead of love was imparted in the hearts of our forefathers. They became afraid to plant many fruit trees. At best, they planted fruit trees of “shorter life span”, around their houses.
There you see that characteristic of Satan’s tactic. It is not pure lie or pure falsehood. Usually, he will state a truth first and then, twist it by attaching a lie, exactly like a parasite plant attaching itself in a tree’s branch. At first, it’d seem harmless, but later, the tree will die being eaten up by the parasites!
This truth-plus-lie teaching of Satan called superstition has no other purpose than to cause a general fear to discourage people from doing what they were supposed to do, namely, do the will-law-way of God!
God, as an example of love, wanted parents to prepare long-term for the benefit of the many generations who would follow them.
Our originally pagan and then, converted to Catholic forefathers felt a debilitating fear that the “fruit trees” would not only outlive them, but would also exert some power to shorten their lives!
So, what is the result? They had left us lands which are denuded of trees! They had developed the foolishness to even hurriedly severe also those large forest trees they did not plant; those which God let grow for centuries and provide the land with waters and fresh air, among many other good things. Our fore-parents had not only failed to gift us with those wonderful inheritance; they also destroyed what was already there in the forest lands! And so, floods, landslides, and so much sufferings from the loss of waters are our lot today. Look, if we had only those free flowing rivers, our greedy officials would not have the chance to use our money to dig wells or to put corrodible pipes to connect us to a far spring which once upon a time delivered abundant waters to our vicinity. And because of this, our more ingenious but lazy fellowmen succeeded to bind us with tax – they’ve made us pay for the water – stupid!
Because of their laziness and greed and wrong fear, we lost the “treasures” which could have been our best source of capital for our businesses! For what can exceed the money that we could derive yearly from the sales of our harvested fruits? What other else could have provided us with the endless yearly capital for our businesses without interest? What else could have saved us from the mouths of these loan sharks which are devouring us day by day?
Let those so-called brilliant economists at least come to use their time for a truly useful manner. How? But going out from their glass offices and take with them a calculator and compute how much better would it had been that every measure of useful land would have been planted with mangoes or other fruit trees!
Let them compute how much wealth could have been derived from the now idle lands. And how much better off had we been with those trees instead of those loan sharks who flourish amidst us because we do not have those fruit trees to provide us with yearly fresh capital. Even if we go bankrupt every year, it would still be better with those trees than with those loan sharks.
I hope you have at last taken clue to what I would like to make you comprehend.
Who imparted this superstition?
Nong Joe commented that our parents and grandparents probably must have taken that belief and fear, that is, that superstition, from our pagan pre-Catholic ancestors very long time ago. Perhaps, this is true, for we can not see centuries-old fruit trees surviving or at least stories about them. So, our ancestors probably did not plant them or only those which are short-lived and had limited them to a few trunks around the house. No fruit trees or their traces are found or been discovered. And the habit or tradition of planting fruit trees is not also in our race. So, we do not have any living proof that planting fruit trees was a habit or tradition of our pre-Spanish ancestors, in the centuries before 1600 A.D. As has been said, the opposite is true.
There is another school of thought though that the superstition did not originate from our pagan forefathers but later from the Spanish colonizers who came in the 17th century, and who made a compact with their Catholic Church to use their own version of religion, the Catholic Christianity, to inculcate fear and poverty in order to keep our race poor, weak, and coward.
They know that if we became rich, we would be strong. If we were strong, then, we would be brave. And if we were brave, then, we would not allow them from ravishing our wives, daughters and land! We would drive them away, like our unconquerable brethren in the Cordilleras.
So, you see, this doctrine or superstition fitted in very much and very well with their intention to keep the people poor, weak and coward!
There we have reason to believe that if the Spaniard and their corrupted Church were not the originator of this superstition, at least and for sure, they had found it a fitting tool for their purpose. So, they must have advocated it actively in the church. The Church is still very much at home with this superstition. She is a friend to this superstition, and allows it to just roam around without any persecution or opposition from her. So, like a gnome or ghost, this superstition is easily circulating around. I have not heard a church sermon that lambasted this spiritual evil. Just silence. A silence that means approval!
My friend was correct to have said, “The Church that we have inherited from the Spaniards was corrupted by those same colonizers whose main purpose for coming here was material gain, using only the church as their shield or instrument to make people fear or servile.”
And he is correct to have said that IT IS OUR TASK TO PURIFY THIS CHURCH!
There is basically something wrong – very wrong – for this Church why we have not only remained poor, but also why we are drowned into deep debts, personal as well as national debts!
A Filipino who has no personal debt is a strange Filipino! He must be an E.T. or a foreigner. Or he must have done something the majority has failed to do. Our national debt, that is, the debt that our President borrowed from the World Bank and IMF and let us pay, has exceeded the 5 trillion level. This means that each Filipino owes the bank some P62,500.00!
So, do not wonder if the taxes keep on increasing and the prices also keep on increasing. You are merely made to pay your debt to the World Bank and IMF!
“Blessed are you in the city and in the countryside. Blessed shall be those who bear children and those that bear fruits. Blessed shall be your wives and blessed shall be your animals and your plants and fruit trees…”
“You will become the head, and not the tail. You shall lend and not borrow…”
Those are what came out from the mouth of the Holy and Almighty God to those who would follow His laws and ways!
Even a quick analysis of His 10 Commandments well known to some of us, we can say that RICHES OR PROSPERITY IS THE RESULT, INSTEAD OF POVERTY. For the 10 Commandments prohibit all that which cause poverty, namely: not working sic days a week (laziness), stealing, murder, coveting, lying — all of these attitudes and behavior are the causes of poverty and indebtedness.
So, it is now high time to put a big ? on the way our spiritual mother (the Church) has reared us. For 80 millions to get into this quagmire and quicksand points out that SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH OUR MOTHER AND HER TEACHING!
I am not advocating abandoning our mother; I am advocating a sort of purification within the Church. If you leave her, where shall you go? To her daughters (churches which came from her)? Are you sure they are not whore as well?
To the Bible! To the Word of God! And above all, directly to God Himself in our hearts! Their we can talk to Him. There we can listen to Him.
That is where we should go. And when, we are all purified by both His written and living Word, who else will need cleansing? The priests perhaps! And that will not be too difficult. Probably they will do that themselves like what we have done to ourselves!
Without the superstition, we would have been far better!
From the proofs all over the country today from those who have planted orchards (fruit trees), we can see that WE WOULD HAVE DONE BETTER AS A PEOPLE HAD OUR FOREFATHERS PLANTED ORCHARDS (FRUIT TREES) instead of allowing thorns and thistles, and useless shrubs to grow instead and fill our lands!
Just imagine for a while. Convert all the vast barren land which our grandparents or parents had abandoned or the wilderness all over the country grown with useless briers and shrubs. Imagine for awhile that instead of thistles and thorns, our ancestors planted various fruit trees, like mangoes, chicos, avocados, star apples, etc. These we can sell all over the world, right? The Philippines is blessed with so many fruits that are not grown in many other countries! Furthermore, our fruits are said to be very delicious.
Instead of grinding hard our brain to search for export or business we can depend on, there we have it so close to our two eyes that we can not see it — it’s hard to see the obvious, they say, for the obvious are the things that we have seem to often and have taken for granted already — like the FRUIT TREES!
What would then be the advantages and benefits of an ORCHARD (garden of fruit trees)?
Well, first, each 1,000-square meter, using my own small lot as an example, that contains more or less 15 mango trees, we can make the following calculation based on correct data. Each mango tree can yield P25,000.00 worth of fruits per fruiting period. (Note that mango trees can bear fruits as much as three times a year if properly cared!). Multiply that by 15 trees. There we get P 375,000.00! That is more than 1/3 of a million pesos! If those are owned by a family, that means a monthly income of P 31,250.00 for the family! That is what I expect from my small orchard!
The average Filipino family earns only P5,000.00 a month. That P 31,250.00 is the salary of the managers of big corporations!
Most families in the Philippines, except those who are in Negros, easily owns a 1,000-square meter lot. And the government can easily give our landless people with that small size of lot or farm!
So, that orchard yielding P 31,250.00 a month is not a far-off dream but a feasible reality!
For a family to earn P 375,000.00 a year or P 31,250.00 a month, is no longer a poor by all standard of classification. That family is already earning the income of today’s managers in big companies!
That is what the Spaniards were preventing us from attaining. Stupid!
And I tell you, far more than that amount could have been earned considering the fertility our land would have achieved through the natural self-regenerating process of nature called ecosystem.
A living old man near the house of my parents-in-law has proven to me that a mango tree can yield fruits three times a year – by using natural means. NO chemical sprays to induce the tree to fruits. Just plain old way of care. All he does is simply letting some little smoke (carbon dioxide) get inhaled by the tree as often as possible. He told me he does it on a daily basis since he burns the leaves and other trash after sweeping the ground. The fruits of his mango is not also vulnerable to the insects or pests. He does not wrap the young fruit, nor spray some pesticides. Just natural smoke! AND THE RESULT: SMOOTH-SKINNED MANGOES WHICH ARE VERY SWEET AND DELICIOUS AND VERY BIG!
And we know from science that such natural smoke from burning leaves and weeds contain carbon dioxide which the breath of life of the plants and trees much as the oxygen is the breath of life of animals and humans!
Do you now see how harmful was and is and has been this superstition that was passed from generation to generation? I do not mean I am justifying the selfishness and laziness of our ancestors and putting all the blame to this SUPERSTITION. I say also that the laziness and the shortsightedness of our ancestors are part of the blame. But what I am saying is the bad idea – this superstition – and its perpetrators are part of the blame.
That fear-causing and coward-making superstition was passed on from generation to generation so that what would have been an act of love, e.g., long-term planning and preparation by our forefathers in the form of planting fruit trees and others, was hindered and prevented.
Furthermore, with that huge amount of national as well as individual produce or sales , the heirs, that is, we, would have enough — yes, more than enough — wealth to be healthy, and be able to afford education, tools and equipment that could develop our talents and abilities.
For example. The musically talented son could have pursued his dream to become a great musician. What are needed? Of course, a good piano. Perhaps he will need other musical instruments. Training. Special tutoring under a master. And lots of time or a long period of time to hone his talents. But should that present a problem? NO! He has a lot of money from the orchards which he has inherited from his forefathers. Even if he has already a wife and children, he’ll still have the money for his talent development, and, equally important, he has the time not to work for a living and spend most of it in practicing his talents.
What would have been possibly the result?
A virtuoso!
And how much a virtuoso is earning? Well, Pavaroti, the great Italian tenor, earns by the millions per concert! And don’t forget, that huge talent fees is in addition to the income of your fruit trees! Love your talents. And love also the trees. They will keep on giving you fruits and health and money as long as you take good care of them!
I am leading you to envision and to see a scenario where both agriculture and industry work together — where the farm support our talent. Among the arrays of mistakes that we, Filipinos, have committed is the abhorrence of the land (farm, orchard, the like) when we took on education.
A general disgust of agriculture swept the whole land when college education won first place in the hearts and minds of the people. Is it correct to hate or abhor the land? This is still the attitude of our educated present generation. Is the school wise to have caused us this attitude? Or would it not be best for the school, as a source of education, motivated our people to keep on developing their land by turning most of them into FRUIT FARMS or ORCHARDS?
Yes, a combination of AGRICULTURE and INDUSTRY. When I say AGRICULTURE, I am referring most of all to ORCHARD or FRUIT FARM. For white collar and blue collar workers (both of these do not have the full time to work in the farm), farm works that expend your full time like rice farming, vegetable gardening, etc., will not fit.
Fruit trees do not require full time to be cared. A man who works full time as a doctor can easily have the time to visit his orchard to tend it. That is the first advantage of ORCHARD which not many of our people have come to fully appreciate and realize. Fruit trees require less “care” and yet, they will give you much for a longer period of time. While rice or corn or vegetable require the farmer to do it again and again, planting is done only once by the fruit tree farmer. Rice or corn cannot be bequeathed to the succeeding generations in the sense we do with fruit trees. The children will have to plant their own corn or vegetable if they want their produce.
It is not my intention to discourage rice or corn farming. We cannot do away with rice or corn and vegetable. They are our staple food. We have to have always the sector of farmers to produce them or we can also have a small vegetable garden at home.
You may not be able to grasp this AGRO-INDUSTRY concept now. This concept which I mean to be specifically a teamwork of ORCHARD and TALENT-BASED INDUSTRY.
Orchard or fruit tree farms must be nationwide. We shall remove all those thistles and briers and useless shrubs and weeds which have overgrown and covered our lands we have long neglected.
It is my intention in this article as well as in my NGO-work to open the eyes of our people to the great value of ORCHARD or FRUIT TREES, not just any form of agriculture. Read: Not just any form of land development, but specifically FRUIT TREE FARMING.
The less amount of efforts required, the suitability for many full-time professional or blue collar workers, and the capacity of the trees to give us their fruits and the income on a long-term basis — these reasons should be more than enough to convince us to go into ORCHARD FARMING.
But the main reason for ORCHARD FARMING should be: 1) love for our children – to leave them a secure source of ‘capital’ to use to support the development of their talents; and 2) would God bless us with a longer life, our retirement — the orchard will be a perfect place for retirees because of its cool and quiet peace and serenity perfectly conducive for reminiscence, self-introspection, meditation, prayer — these are the mental-spiritual diversion or works of retirees.
If you are still not convinced, because you are not directly financially threatened, then, think of the living fact that your SSS or GSIS is UNREALIABLE! I am afraid that these social securities which are proving to be not secured, will not give our retirees the kind of secured retired life they were made to imagine they would enjoy after retirement. Both institutions are presently tottering because of mismanagement. If you ask me what is the more secured investment or social security in this physical life, I recommend the LAND AND THE FRUIT TREES.
If you are not yet convinced, then, just ask why Danding Cojuangco and other prudent businessmen are planting vast ORCHARDS in Negros, in Mindanao or in Luzon!
Another convincing point in favor of LAND DEVELOPMENT VIA ORCHARDS is the fact that of the two hundred nations in the world, only a handful of them are gifted by God to grow mangoes and similar oriental fruits.
To set the vision straight and clear: This country (Philippines) has the potential to supply the whole world with FRUIT TREES! In this age where transportation travel by minutes, or even in seconds, selling our products to the other end of the earth is no longer a problem.
So, I guess if we can re-cast our national vision and review and remake our plans, BEING A MAJOR A FRUIT TREE PROVIDER TO THE NATIONS and getting each family involved in this, is a much wiser (surer) course than those ones taken in the past.
Of course, we shall allow the development of other industries such as computer programming. “Orcharding” does not mean doing away with all industries. No, it is to the contrary. The point is: Our rich orchard shall provide us the money or capital to acquire all the necessary tools and equipments needed to turn our talents into masterful skills to serve the nations and to earn some money at the same time.
The orchard is the basis upon which all other mind-based, skill-based industries and businesses shall be based. Orchard, in other words, shall (and should have been) the main financier in the development of our talents into great careers and enterprises!
Orchard shall make virtuosos and great businessmen!
Capture that vision! That is the vision.
The government has vast tracts of land. On the other hand, many of our professionals or skilled workers, blue-collared as well as white-collared, are landless. These men should be given lands.
For to see a care-less land and a landless people does not give you a picture of prosperity!
I think our government is realty stupid (short-sighted) to have allowed this not-so-bright idea, I mean, really-dumb reality: PEOPLE-LESS LAND and LANDLESS PEOPLE.
PEOPLE-LESS LAND refers to the vast tracts of UNCULTIVATED land especially the forest claimed by the government as well as to the pieces of former farms dotting our country abandoned by our modern city-bound generation.
LANDLESS PEOPLE refers to our professionals working in the cities and offices and shops, and secondly, to the millions of landless tenants all over the country.
I am using the word INDUSTRY to refer most of all to works of the mind and to blue collar occupations, in other words, INDUSTRY refers to any work which does not directly involve the land or the seas. This brings us to mind the works of the musician, the artist, the doctor, the computer programmer, the accountant; the mechanic, the carpenter — each should have an ORCHARD.
We are now in a state of panic due to the chaos (lack of well concerted visions and sub-visions and the so many problems cropping up). I also fear we have gone to the wrong ways to far that to go back to the right path (vision) would take us so much efforts.
In the economic level, looking back, it should have been AGRO-INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. To be specific, it should have been FRUIT TREE and TALENT.
I have much to say about work or occupation based on one’s talents, and not by force of circumstances. I have much to say against accidental works or jobs – being caused by unplanned life. The person or nation who lives each by finding his/its talents and when found, live the rest of his/its life by honing and using those talents to serve and to earn — this is the man or nation destined to greatness and wealth!
Look at the 99 of every 100 Filipinos and ask if these 99 are using their God-gifted talents in their present work. Saying it another way, investigate if these 99 are suited to their present jobs. Then, you will find out that they are square pegs on a round whole — fishes out of the water — misfits!
As misfits, their heart is not fully in their work. They are there only to earn a living. But love of work? They have not for such particular work!
This topic deserves another article to compose in the future. Suffice is it to say that if we want to RECOVER or at least, to LEAVE OUR CHILDREN A BETTER WORLD, we must pursue ORCHARD and TALENT-BASED DEVELOPMENT of our children.
We envision the inter-play — the cooperation — the teamwork — the partnership — of FRUIT TREE AND TALENT. That is our concept of AGRO-INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT.
Not just any agro-industrial development, but specifically the ORCHARD and TALENT.
This favorable environment of economic abundance will set the chain reaction of expertise, profitability and productivity, progress and prosperity, happiness and freedom! I tell you, never before experienced in this country!
If we had ORCHARD all over the nation and in each home, each talent would have been fully developed. And each would have become a profitable career or profitable business enterprise! The orchard forms the yearly source of money to (1) buy our talents with the necessary tools, equipment and instruments; (2) provide ourselves with the needed training or education; (3) and since orchard is also a source of income for the family, we shall have the time needed for talent-development.
Our tragedy today is the LACK OF MONEY AND THE LACK OF TIME. We do not have an orchard to give us interest-free and regular year-by-year capital. And our time has been locked in a work that we only do because we need money — because we have a wife to provide and children to feed! So it is an I-don’t-care-what-work approach. We do not lack talents. Each of us, being an offspring of a multi-talented creative Father who is in heaven, And so our talents have been confined to where they are now: the GRAVE and PRISON — untapped, undeveloped and dead!
Oh, how I wish we can come to fathom the so great difference between two men with talents, but only one of them has developed his and used them in his work, service and livelihood.
And so the results? Houses that totter because our carpenters are “should-have-been-better-if-they-are-in-other-kind-of-work”. Pipes that clog because our plumbers do not know that P-traps exist! Fluorescent lamps that keep on exploding because the electrician forgot that the positive must be covered from the negative in order to prevent short circuit!? Businesses that sprout like mushroom and disappear as suddenly as they had appeared like mushroom — simply because the lack of talent. This is what happens to our thousands of ‘capital’-rich but talent-separated OFWs!
And this tragedy of misfit is not confined to them. It also concerns our government and churches! Have you not heard the Lord Jesus Christ spoke about ‘blind guides guiding the blind’? They, too, are misfits!
And have you not heard of a former president who said, “I will learn along the way” when asked after his election, “Do you feel you are apt to the job of the president, sir?” He too was a misfit or the un-prepared!
Mind you, if our heart is not fit, that is, does not like nor love what it is doing or where it is in, and if our mind does not like the work it is doing — we will not see prosperity nor liberation in this land.
The heart must love, and be fitted to what it loves (except sins and vices) and the mind must do what it is equipped at birth to do.
That is the first reform that we must do to liberate this country from all its present ills and miseries.
The first reform must take place in the heart and the mind of our people.
Now, let’s go back to the orchard and to the superstition.
I would say that except for those who are abusive of the grace of God who would let this wealth called orchards lost, the entire country would have enjoyed great prosperity if each piece of land had not been left vacant without fruit tree!
If we will take some time pondering this — if we take the time talking this during our conversations, then, all of you will come to the same conclusion that I have reached: that the superstition called “manaog” is grossly the culprit that has contributed greatly in our present misery and poverty!
Imagine — just imagine — every vacant square meter all over the country — from Aparri to Julu to Tawi-tawi, has been grown with a mango tree, then, each of us could have the opportunity and financial capacity to pursue our field of specialization, and would have become virtuosos in our talents, and would have earned much out of it!
And let the reform to take place first in our hearts and our minds. Then, all other reforms shall take automatically and quite easily..
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