Arnulfo Yu Laniba
Agape Foundation (Agasoft)
We have seen that the fossil-fuel-based industrialization of the West led by England and now by Germany-U.S-Japan-led industrialized nations composed mainly of European countries, Australia and Canada, has led to the destruction of our environment and our own health.
For a millionth time, it has been said that (1) the gaseous emission (smoke) of the vehicles and factories has depleted the ozone layer of the planet, causing the sun’s heat to wreak consequent havocs on the world’s populace such as in the form of killer super-storms or hurricanes, suffocating heat waves, uncontrollable wildfires both in the forests and cities, skin cancers – all because there is no more enough layer of ozone in the atmosphere to shield us from the sun’s direct ultra-violet rays; and (2) the liquid (nuclear) wastes of these factories have polluted our underground waters, springs, rivers, seas with poisonous chemicals (toxins) which are causing cancers and deformities, miscarriages, disabilities and poverties, and finally deaths of our people (e.g., the miners directly in contact with these chemicals, and the people eating vegetables, fruits, fish and other marine products and drinking waters contaminated with these chemicals).
Both the minds and the bodies or health of our people are being destroyed and debilitated by these so-called INDUSTRIAL EXCREMENTS – both (1) the gas (smoke) up to the air to destroy the ozone and pollute the air that we breathe and the (2) liquid wastes that pollute (read: poison) our waters, soils, and food.
Shall we back-track then?
Or shall we take heed the ill-advised top official of the League of Municipalities of the Philippines who recently scorned the wise provision in our Constitution to base our “industrialization and full employment on sound agricultural development and agrarian reform”[1] and who enthusiastically and forcefully – almost dictatorially proclaimed that WE ARE TO FOLLOW THE LEADERS OF MODERN INDUSTRIALIZATION such as England, the U.S., etc.?
It sorrows me no end to see dumb officials like this one. He reached that position of influence surely by buying votes, and not by any measure of sound wisdom which he appears to possess none anyway.
Our officials, may I repeat, have gotten their positions or seats of powers, not by true qualifications. If you are discerning enough, you will find out that on the eve of every election, local and national, THE POWER OF MONEY SURGES over other factors AND DOMINATES. In other words, MONEY DECIDES THE OUTCOME OF EVERY ELECTION.
Of this, there is a handful of exception, but the great 95% majority cases in the national level, provincial level, city level and the municipal level – all have been decided by HOW MUCH VOTEMONEY YOU HAVE PUT UP. And, to our great sorrow, also the barangays, the last bastion of righteousness after the cities and the central government have sold themselves to the devils, have unfortunately learned this evil ‘money decides’ strategy.
We are just being fooled in this so-called election. Unless we reform ourselves and elect those who have the true qualifications (namely: wisdom in the mind, and broad love for the countrymen in the heart), ELECTION SHALL REMAIN WHAT IT HAS BECOME IN THE PHILIPPINES: A FUTILE EXERCISE OF DECEIT-DEMOCRACY because it is used as instrument by CRAFTY LEADERS FOOLING THE PEOPLE. Thus, election has not become an instrument of liberty; rather, each election has become an additional link of an ever-lengthening imprisonment of the poor and the weak by the rich and the mighty who run politics to control the government of the land and make onerous laws to protect and fortify their haciendas, companies and other wealth and to make use of the people’s taxes, labor, and loans from foreign institutions to finance further their private businesses and activities and then cause the people to pay these loans through their taxes!
Each election has become another link to fortify the chain of slavery, instead of an exercise of the people to attain further liberty. Here the people exercise their freedom to choose to become enchained furthermore!? One freedom is used to worsen other slaveries. The people freely choose to bind themselves some more! The rich and the mighty enjoy the freedom democracy gives them to bind the people some more while they exercise unbridled freedom to pursue and indulge in sinful passions and pleasures.
You can understand this very well if you know that these people whom we have elected into the executive as well as legislative branches especially those in Congress are themselves the landed rich or the representatives of the rich! They are there not for the sake of the poor; they are there to protect their own interests and to further make the lives of the poor more and more difficult through their systematic exploitation of the poor masses! They squeeze the people’s strength, sweats and even tears in order to make themselves richer while the people become poorer.
Until election is based on (1) intelligent selection and on (2) honest counting, we shall not stop putting the wrong person to be our president, for example. Incompetent men whose expertise is in gambling and showbiz, or women who should better achieve something at home than becoming a rubber stamping pad of foreign interests.
And because they are elected by the majority votes (padded or real people’s votes matters not), they are still incompetent. They may be elected by the people, but that does not change their incompetence into competence overnight. “I am elected by the people and so I am the leader” becomes the justification. Or “I am the President because it is either the will of God or surely of the elite and the U.S.” Or that “I am an economist from Harvard or what ever –vards or –fords there is!”
We must not elect a person who promises not to accept his salary as president but at the same instance protects the evil gambling lords who outwit the poor people through their gambling enterprises.
Gambling is evil because it is not love; it harms a lot of people, especially the poor suffering wives and children of the losers. (I know whereof I speak, because we suffered very much from a gambling father who wasted so much time, money and love for his cocks, thereby denying us his children and his wife the precious time, money and love, thus, affecting our happiness, health and schooling!)
Gambling was the colonizer’s tool to deviate our attention so that we would lose time, strength, resources and desire to emancipate ourselves.
Gambling is the poverty-maker to further weaken the colonized people from seeking freedom. Even if the Spaniards who brought the germs of gambling into this land are no longer here, yet the disease has remained and lingered; as a matter of fact, what was mere scabies before have now become a cancer, inflicting all – young and old, men and women!
To those who understand the 10 Commandments deeply, you would find that gambling breaks each one of the 10. Therefore, the gambler is worse than the murderer or the theft. The murderer breaks only one law or the theft breaks only the law against stealing. The gambler breaks all 10! It also breaks the greatest law, “You shall love Yehovah, the Eternal Father your God above all and your neighbor as yourself.”
For a president to patronize, promote and protect or even institutionalize and nationalize gambling, HE IS A DESTROYER OF THE MIND-SOUL AND HEART OF HIS PEOPLE! He is letting this moral termite eat up the fabric of this nation!
That is his crime. He is a criminal. A criminal of a highest degree!
Being elected by popular votes or by modus operandi does not make any difference if we fail to wisely choose the right leader. Mandate of the people or not, that will not change one’s INCOMPETENCE. It is a gross error to say, “I think I will make for a good president. It will be learned along the way!”
“Along the way!”?
It is like taking over a 747 plane full of passengers without even having the basic knowledge of how to operate electronic gadgets, much less how to pilot a plane! Will you see, I will learn along the way? “Along the way” may mean “down, down the stiff ravine or cliff of death!”
National Leadership is a big task that requires full preparation long before it is handed to you! There is no “I will learn along the way”. Former President Erap said that! Competence must be already acquired before you accept the job.
It does not necessarily mean education from Harvard. But it means proper education of leadership. It may be something like that of David whom God personally trained and prepared in leadership (training) experiences before he was qualified and ordained a king of Israel.
Competence and character are both necessary. Especially if we talk about CHARACTER which we may also call as the COMPETENCE OF THE HEART -- read: TO LOVE REALLY THE POOR WHILE NOT DESTROYING THE RICH as what Stalin foolishly did. Liberation of this country is not by physically destroying the group of capitalists, from the micro entrepreneurs to the small and medium businessmen up to large-corporate taipans. True liberation comes by destroying the evil ‘panagimpo’ (parasite plant) that has seized the main tree’s supply of life (nutrients) intended for the real branches, twigs and leaves, thereby supplanting the latter, and eventually suffocating the whole tree to death.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with ‘panagimpo’, it is a strange hanging or aerial plant that travels by the air and perches on the twigs of otherwise healthy trees, like your mango tree, or star apple tree. It seems harmless. But you would lately realize that it supplants the true twigs and leaves, until the whole tree if full of it, the original twigs and leaves are no longer there! For the meantime the tree seems healthy. For the panagimpo has thrived and is so healthy. But soon, big branches would suddenly die, one branch after the other, until the whole tree is dead!
Perverted self-love otherwise known as greed, lust, pride and envy, is a spiritual panagimpo. It can turn our whole person into a devil. So, before that happens, let us work together with the help of the Savior to free ourselves from the grip of this strange parasite, seemingly friendly but is actually a feign.
Panagimpo symbolizes the evil strange spiritual germs that take their habitation inside us. Panagimpo means sin and vice.
That is what we must remove. Let the greed and lust of the businessmen be removed; replace it with love for God and the neighbor equal to love of self, and you will find an entrepreneur who is a useful servant of Christ for every good work of salvation, development and perfection.
Going back to the original point: Shall we backtrack in our development or follow the industrialized nations like the U.S. and add more pollution and destruction to the environment – in the name of progress – false progress?
Shall we go back to the mountains? Or shall we take another course – another type of industrialization?
First, we must reject the U.S.-type of pollutive, harmful and destructive industrial development, based on chemicals, fossil fuel, destructive science and greed.
Second, we must pursue another course of industrialization – one which is friendly to our agriculture. One which promotes sustainable agriculture and the protection as well as restoration of our environment.
In this connection, we must pursue the proposal of a certain sector in our society which has discovered the existence of deuterium, the inexhaustible non-pollutant, environment-friendly fuel under our ocean!
In this connection, let us retrieve our own Filipino invention of a vehicle that runs using water as fuel which idea was reportedly stolen or forcedly taken from that Filipino inventor said to have been seduced with huge amount of money as well as death-threat if refused.
Let us pursue the TECHNOLOGY FOR SEA-AIR-OR-LAND VEHICLES AND MACHINERIES TO RUN USING WATER AS FUEL, specially that heavy water called deuterium!
That is one DIRECTION for us to take in as far INDUSTRIALIZATION is concerned.
In consonance to it, LET US BACK-TRACK IN THE SENSE THAT WE SHALL GO BACK TO OUR FORSAKEN LAND AND FARMS TO RESTORE THEM USING THE ORGANIC NATURAL SYSTEM, rejecting the commercial chemical fertilizers and pesticides which are destroying our land or soil to the effect that life-giving nutrients are destroyed and replaced by poisons. The chemicals inside these commercial inorganic fertilizers and pesticides are nothing else but POISON disguising as life-giving substances.
Worse, one type of commercial fertilizer which contains AMMONIUM plus another type of fertilizer which contains NITRATES equals NITROSAMINES, the most dreadful CANCER-CAUSING substance (carcinogen) ever known to scientists but are kept from the people’s knowledge! Urea contains (and is made from) ammonium. Other commercial fertilizers contain nitrates. When combined, nitrates and ammonium form nitrosamines described by scientists to be “one of the world’s most dreaded cancer-causing agents”[2], “much more powerful than any other substance”[3]. “Recent researchers suggest that the nitrosamines are the most dangerous of the carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals)…They produce cancer each time they were used in animal experiment.”[4]
The shift back to natural and organic system may take long because the natural fertility of our soil had been almost totally destroyed. But it is not too late. We can gradually bring back the natural fertility of our soil by no longer burning our weeds or leaves, let them decompose and let earthworms and other friendly micro-organisms multiply. These are our natural fertilizer-makers. Commercial fertilizers and pesticides kill these natural fertilizer-makers! We must make a permanent shift from inorganic fertilizers to organic compost fertilizers in a lot by lot manner: One lot to go permanent on organic fertilizer at a time, until all lots are on organic. But if we have sufficient supply of organic fertilizers, home-made as well as purchased, then, we can immediately shift with our whole farm to full organic! The gradual or by-lot shift gives consideration to the fact that we cannot stop using inorganic fertilizers right away without an organic substitute, because the soil fertility is already dead, and if you plant without fertilizer, inorganic or organic, you would probably not be able to harvest anything. So, enough organic alternative must be present to ensure a successful and permanent shift to organic farming.
We must go back to our land and farm now with KNOWLEDGE FROM EXPERIENCE by those who have been ahead of us – their mistakes we must not commit.
America is very chemically poisoned today everywhere – soil, waters, air, food, etc. – that it prompted one author to document and compile all the information he could gather to write a book aptly titled “AMERICA THE POISONED”!
These poisons are unfortunately not labeled “poison” or with “X” but they are the medicines that we intake, the drinks that we imbibe and enjoy, the food that we eat, or its preservatives, flavorings, colorings, etc.
Chemicals do not belong to what God allowed as food. In Genesis, He said that “seeds (e.g., grains) and fruits with seeds in them” are food to us. In Leviticus 11, He enumerated the animals and fish which are naturally clean for our consumption. But still, these shall become dangerous IF and WHEN they are also being fed with chemicals or with weeds or feeds made by or treated with chemicals. Also, the all-knowing God knew in advance that blood, after distributing the nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body, returns carrying all kinds of trash and poisons. And so, God prohibited the eating of blood. Also, He knew that fat or cholesterol would clog up and hinder the flow of blood and oxygen and cause death, and so He also prohibited the consumption of fat. Read it in Leviticus 3 & 7.
Some of those words God uttered or caused to be written were fulfilled such as the Passover symbol being fulfilled by Christ’s sacrifice and so which fulfillment is now spiritual and so the Passover ceremony performed by the Israelites is no longer commanded, it being fulfilled every day in the spiritual sphere with Christ our Savior. The blood of the Lamb is cleansing us every day. There is no more need for physical fulfillment where spiritual fulfillment has been effected.
But the health laws governing our bodies, such as those prohibiting fats and bloods and other unclean animal meat – although eating them will not make us unclean spiritually, yet, surely, they give us all kinds of modern sickness including cancers, cardio vascular diseases, diabetes, etc. They are physically unclean – read: harmful!
YeHoWaH was and is more intelligent than our doctors or nutritionists. Happy are they who listen to Him!
Our knowledge must not oppose nor destroy Nature. Our knowledge must agree with Nature. Any knowledge that destroys is not God’s, but Satan’s. And we may be so educated but with the wrong knowledge.
We have to go back to the natural – to what nature has taught our ancestors. And in industrialization, we must make use of those which will not destroy the planet which we, to use the language of an environmentalist-poet, “we borrowed from our children” which we must return to them wholesome and safe for living – read: forever living!
Will we
[1] Philippine Constitution of 1987, Article XII, Section 1
[2] Nutritional Immunology, Dr. Jau-Fei Chen, p. 165
[3] The Coming Catastrophes and True Christianity, Kurt Eggenstien, p. 365
[4] ibid.
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